Soumil Roy


馃帹 Collaborated with product designers to create a robust design system for SKOOT using React, Hugo and TailwindCSS, enhancing UI consistency and developer productivity.

馃敩 Developed a comprehensive test suite for components and integrated it into CI/CD workflows, boosting team confidence and efficiency.

馃摎 Leveraged Storybook for meticulous component documentation and seamless deployment to Chromatic for visual review.

馃挸 Expertly integrated 3DS payment gateways like, ensuring secure and reliable payment processing.

鈿★笍 Streamlined development by creating boilerplate apps to save time and effort, accelerating project delivery.

馃攳 Conducted regular code reviews, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and high-quality code.

Skills: JavaScript 路 React.js 路 Unit Testing 路 Git 路 GitHub 路 Integration Testing 路 Tailwind CSS 路 GraphQL